An education for life

Secure your child's place with us

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Welcome to

Manor House Nursery

Registered for Babies & Children aged 6 Months to 5 Years

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Welcome to

Manor House Nursery

Registered for Babies & Children aged 6 Months to 5 Years

Welcome to

Manor House Nursery

Manor House Nursery is designed to be a beacon of educational excellence, offering a safe, welcoming, and engaging environment where your little one can grow, explore and learn. This Outstanding nursery is staffed by team of dedicated educators who are passionate about nurturing young minds!

Settling in

We place great importance on the settling in process for you and your child

Our Nursery

We’ll work with you to provide a financial plan to suit you and your child.

Nutrition &

Healthy food and drink have an effect on a child’s growth, mood, concentration and behaviour.

Order & Pay
for Meals

Order and pay for your childs weekly meals at Manor House Nursery.

What makes our nurseries different?

Since opening our first nursery in 2008, Ofsted have rated us outstanding in all areas!

The Benefits

What children learn at
'Manor House Nurseries'

Motivation &

Children's learning is based on their own interests and curiosity. This intrinsic motivation supports children's level of engagement and supports their desire to learn, now and in the future.

Self-esteem &

We give children the opportunity to develop a 'can do' attitude. Trying new things and having time for free play, develops children's positive feelings about themselves and their capabilities

Language &

Our Nursery offers ample opportunity for new vocabulary to be introduced to children. We use a wide variety of fun learning technics to boost their language and communication skills.

Knowledge &

Helping children to understand and giving them the knowledge they need, helps them to become confident.

Social &
Physical Skills

Being around other adults & children helps to gain social & physical skills. Seeing and watching others is a great way to learn new things.


We help children start to understand who they are, what they are feeling and how to deal with their ever changing emotions.

Book your personal tour today

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.